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IIS7.5: Increase ASP Buffer Limit

Lately, I don't get to play with IIS all that often so I'm filing this here for future reference because searching for it on the web took much longer than it should have.

IIS7.5 has a built-in buffer size limitation of 4MB on ASP's. This causes any asp that contains a response greater than 4MBs to error out to the browser/client. The error that is commonly logged in the web server logs is a 500 status code with text like the following:


There are a few ways to handle the error, which are documented in this Microsoft Knowledge Base article but if you want a shortcut and you're running IIS 7.5, open up Internet Services Manager. On the web site you wish to increase the limit on (or virtual directory if you only want it to be configured for that), click on the ASP property, then Open Feature. Expand the Limits Properties group and then modify the Response Buffer Limit setting. Once you enter in a new value, click Apply and you're all set. No IIS or server restart is necessary.


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