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Apache Tomcat Connectors 1.2.33 Released

UPDATE: 03/26/2012 - Apparently, there were quite a few problems caused by this version. Tomcat Connectors v1.2.35 was just released.

The Apache Tomcat team released version 1.2.33 today of the Tomcat Connectors, (which includes mod_jk for the Apache HTTP server and isapi_redirect.dll for IIS). The changelog lists some new functionality and some fixes supporting Apache HTTP Server 2.4 and Microsoft's IIS.

Based on the changelog, it looks like isapi_redirect.dll on IIS5/Windows 2000 is no longer supported as the mimimal supported version listed with 1.2.33 is Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or Windows XP Service Pack 2.

This release also introduces a new load-balancing method called "Next", which emulates a more traditional round robin-style load-balancing algorithm.

Source and binaries are available for download from the nearest tomcat connector mirror.


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