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Techstacks Tools Site Updated to v0.9.4

I recently uploaded some updates to the techstacks tools site.  Nothing too substantial changed.  I cleaned up some more of my atrocious HTML and fixed a problem with failures in Bling and SMPing when sitemap pings were being requested from Google and Yahoo.  Although success responses were being received, the app was generating an Illegal Argument exception and logging the success as failures as a result.  

Moreover has officially been removed from the list of search engines that accept sitemap.xml pings.  Ask.com has not been removed yet but their site has been generating Connection Refused messages for me for quite a while.  I notified their customer support organization so, hopefully, it will start working again.

Bling has received a preliminary new feature: PubSubHubbub pings.  Right now, the only hub being notified of your site's new content updates is Google's PubSubHubbub Reference Server, but I'm still investigating whether it is feasible to introduce any additional ones.  If anyone knows of any pubsubhubbub hubs out there that do not require some kind of subscription, drop me a note in the comments below with the submission URL.  I'm thinking of adding in some of the hubs from the major blog hosts but some additional testing will need to be done first.  If I'm hosting a blog on TypePad, I wouldn't want to necessarily ping WordPress.com's hub, for example.  

The Techstacks Tools site still makes use of groovy, the HttpBuilder module, the gaelyk framework, and all running on google app engine.  


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