Second Post
Well, that first post didn't turn out as nicely formatted as I had hoped. This second one will be done using an eval of MarsEdit, which I will happily buy if everything works out well with it.
I'm new to blogging. I have lots of experience with web servers, application servers, etc., which I've gained over the past 10+ years but most of my experience has been on the infrastructure and operations side. In order to become more familiar with the development side, I've created this site. Hopefully my html, css, scripting, and related skills will increase over the course of time as well but for the time-being, I need something easy. I'm not ready yet to start delving into customized stylesheets.
Using the online editor, I wound up spending a little bit of time trying to figure out how to stop getting the editor to reformat a link as an actual Hyperlink and the only way I was able to get it done was by dropping the "<" at the beginning of the "a href". If I'm going to type a bit of markup in a post like I plan on doing with this site, for example, I'd like to display the actual markup. The online editor kept wanting to display mark-up as a hyperlink instead. So, this first test will involve me re-inputting the mark-up from the previous post in order to see how it looks once it is posted to the live site.
Finally, the last line of the first post was not intended to be wrtten as "Ditto for those base href's that some folks are so fond of. Avoid absolute URLs and base href's if at all possible." What I really wanted to write was:
Previewing in marsedit with the Textile Preview Text Filter looks promising. I hope it looks this good live!
I'm new to blogging. I have lots of experience with web servers, application servers, etc., which I've gained over the past 10+ years but most of my experience has been on the infrastructure and operations side. In order to become more familiar with the development side, I've created this site. Hopefully my html, css, scripting, and related skills will increase over the course of time as well but for the time-being, I need something easy. I'm not ready yet to start delving into customized stylesheets.
Using the online editor, I wound up spending a little bit of time trying to figure out how to stop getting the editor to reformat a link as an actual Hyperlink and the only way I was able to get it done was by dropping the "<" at the beginning of the "a href". If I'm going to type a bit of markup in a post like I plan on doing with this site, for example, I'd like to display the actual markup. The online editor kept wanting to display mark-up as a hyperlink instead. So, this first test will involve me re-inputting the mark-up from the previous post in order to see how it looks once it is posted to the live site.
<a href=""> Product Manuals </a>
Finally, the last line of the first post was not intended to be wrtten as "Ditto for those base href's that some folks are so fond of. Avoid absolute URLs and base href's if at all possible." What I really wanted to write was:
Ditto for the <base href> tag!
Previewing in marsedit with the Textile Preview Text Filter looks promising. I hope it looks this good live!