Gripe: Absolute URL versus Relative URL
Absolute URL Example
a href=""> Product Manuals
Relative URL Example
a href="manual/index.html"> Product Manuals
Although both work and will result in loading the same page, the first will make troubleshooting problems with the web site a little bit tougher.
Consider the following example: runs across a pair of web servers, and A browser making a request for the homepage hits the load-balancer and the load-balancer sends that request off to one of the two real web servers. Now let's say that some of our customers are reporting an "intermittent" problem with one of the two web servers getting the manual. We operations-types fire up a browser and go to, (bypassing the load-balancer), and then click the link for the manuals. The trouble hits when we click that link. Due to there being an absolute URL, our browser gets sent back to the address instead of going to the real server. If we experience a 404-Not Found error, we still don't really know which server is generating the error.
I understand that this example may be over-simplistic because since we assumed these were static pages, then we could just go to and see if we get an error and repeat the step for serverB. This becomes more annoying when there are dynamically-generated URLs and you have to go to the homepage, login, etc. Obviously, the scope of this article is geared towards web sites developed and running within the enterprise. Sites that are load-balanced because they have to be up. Sites that cost the company serious money when they are down.
Ditto for those base href's that some folks are so fond of. Avoid absolute URLs and base href's if at all possible.